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Monday, April 25, 2005
Dripping Tap Saves Utility Bills?

I know some people who think that if you turn on your tap by a small amount so that the water comes out drop by drop, the meter measuring your water usage will not run. That seemed pretty reasonable to me when I was younger because I figured that the meter must be using the force of moving water to turn some kind of wheel or gear in order to work, therefore if the water moves very slowly, then the meter would not notice any water moving.

However, it happens that there are devices that can measure water flow by the drop and these need not necessarily be complicated or expensive. For example, let me describe one that I designed mentally. Consider a container with a pipe at the top leading from the meter and a pipe at the bottom leading to the tap. We place a sensor (electronic or simply a floating object like the one in the tank of your toilet bowl) in the container so that everytime the water level falls below a critical level, water is automatically released into the container until it is full. Clearly, the dripping water method will not work because the meter will measure water flow tank-by-tank rather than drop-by-drop.

Of course, I believe Singapore does not use this design because I can see the meter run everytime I turn on the tap. Whether or not PUB can measure water usage by the drop is unknown to me. But it would be naive to think that if such a simplistic method can save utility bills by a significant amount, PUB would do nothing about it.

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Yiheng made
2:20 PM


dun think my parents think tat way... no matter how hard i try to avoid bathing more than once a day to save water... they always nag until i bath the second time on some days *roll eyes*
By Blogger feathers, at 10:07 PM  

my parents do let the water drip when they are filling the pail when cleaning the house. i think they just dun wanna let it fill up too fast.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 AM  

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